
Understanding IPMVP: The Gold Standard for Measuring Energy Savings

Discover the gold standard for measuring energy savings with IPMVP. Learn why it's preferred for accuracy, transparency, and credibility in energy efficiency projects.

Jack French July 26, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of energy management, accurately measuring energy savings is crucial for verifying the effectiveness of efficiency projects. The International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) stands out as the gold standard in this realm. But what makes IPMVP superior to other models? Let's delve into why IPMVP is the preferred choice for measuring energy savings.

What is IPMVP?

The IPMVP is a framework developed by the Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO) to provide a standardized approach for quantifying energy savings. It offers guidelines and best practices for measuring, verifying, and reporting the performance of energy efficiency projects. By doing so, IPMVP ensures consistency and accuracy in energy savings calculations.

Related: Check out our video explaining IPMVP


Why IPMVP is the Preferred Standard

  1. Comprehensive Methodology

    IPMVP's comprehensive methodology covers a wide range of project types and complexities. Whether it's a simple lighting retrofit or a complex building automation system, IPMVP provides flexible options to tailor the measurement and verification (M&V) process to the specific project. This adaptability ensures that the energy savings reported are reflective of the actual performance improvements.

  2. Transparency and Credibility

    One of the critical advantages of IPMVP is its emphasis on transparency. The protocol requires detailed documentation of the M&V process, including baseline energy usage, measurement techniques, and calculations. This transparency builds credibility and trust among stakeholders, including project owners, investors, and regulatory bodies.

  3. Standardization Across Projects

    IPMVP offers a standardized approach to M&V, making it easier to compare and aggregate results from different projects. This standardization is particularly beneficial for organizations managing multiple sites or projects, as it ensures consistency in how energy savings are measured and reported.

  4. Adaptability to Different Contexts

    The protocol is designed to be adaptable to various contexts, from commercial buildings to industrial facilities. It provides four options (A, B, C, and D) for measuring energy savings, each suited to different types of projects and data availability. This flexibility allows users to choose the most appropriate method for their specific situation.

  5. Promotes Continuous Improvement

    By requiring regular verification and reporting, IPMVP encourages ongoing monitoring and optimization of energy efficiency measures. This continuous improvement loop helps organizations not only verify savings but also identify opportunities for further energy reductions and cost savings.

IPMVP vs. Other Models

While there are other models for measuring energy savings, IPMVP's robust and flexible framework sets it apart. Alternative models may lack the comprehensive guidelines and standardized approach offered by IPMVP. For example, some models might focus solely on specific types of projects or provide less detailed documentation requirements, which can lead to inconsistencies and reduced credibility.

Additionally, IPMVP's global recognition and widespread adoption make it the go-to standard for many energy professionals. Its established reputation and proven track record in delivering accurate and reliable results further reinforce its position as the gold standard.


For organizations committed to optimizing their energy use and validating the effectiveness of their energy efficiency projects, IPMVP provides a reliable, transparent, and standardized framework. By adopting IPMVP, organizations can ensure their energy savings are accurately measured, fostering trust and credibility with stakeholders while promoting continuous improvement in energy management practices.

At GridPoint, we recognize the value of IPMVP in delivering verifiable and impactful energy savings to our clients. By leveraging this gold standard, we help businesses achieve their sustainability goals and maximize their energy efficiency investments.

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