Automated HVAC Testing for Facility Managers

GridPoint July 18, 2017

Budgeting for HVAC maintenance and repairs can feel like playing darts in the dark. It’s hard to determine how much to set aside for the year or how often you should schedule preventative maintenance. If you schedule too many check-ups, you might be paying too much. If you don’t schedule enough, you may find that major components need to be ...

Estimating energy savings with IPMVP

The International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) is a standardized method to calculate energy savings. It Isolates external variables so a site can measure savings performances year-over-year. It models the relationship with energy consumption and external factors to give you the actual usage after energy efficient technology is installed. GridPoint relies on the IPMVP protocol to give our customers the most accurate savings forecast possible.