Forecasting Failures: The Power of Predictive Maintenance

GridPoint July 22, 2024

Picture this: You’re a commercial facility manager, overseeing multiple sites across the region. Your days are packed with ensuring everything runs smoothly, from the correct anti-skid flooring to the gutters and everything in between. And then, on the busiest day of the year, the HVAC system at one of your prime locations decides to take an ...

Seasonal Guide to HVAC Maintenance for Operational Efficiency

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When the Cool Air Stops: HVAC Woes and Hidden Costs

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The Emergence of Smart HVAC Systems Powered by IoT

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The Future is Green: Innovations in Decarbonizing Commercial Buildings

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Embracing Change: Our Journey Through Strategic Rebranding

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Harnessing the Power Within: Small and Medium Commercial Buildings as the New Utility

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Estimating energy savings with IPMVP

The International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) is a standardized method to calculate energy savings. It Isolates external variables so a site can measure savings performances year-over-year. It models the relationship with energy consumption and external factors to give you the actual usage after energy efficient technology is installed. GridPoint relies on the IPMVP protocol to give our customers the most accurate savings forecast possible.